Why the name “SpielMas?”
Honestly? Because PlayMas was already an established hashtag in social.
But I also wanted to connect with the established tabletop gamer community by using the German noun for game: spiel (sh-peel).
And then, of course, I wanted to irreverently play off of the established holiday traditions of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza and Festivus without too much cultural appropriation.
But I didn’t want to light anything more on fire.
So, the idea seemed natural to use a hexagon tile, or some other natural base. Then you would display something (e.g. board game pieces) to show that you’ve played a game on one of those nights.
For example, you could use a six-sided die to indicate what day you played a game.
And then by sharing your picture everyday using the hashtag #SpielMas you would extend the brand of playing games over a six-day period.
Published October 26, 2020.